Visible Women is debuting a series of “Let’s meet” interviews so your virtual portrait/NFT can become the conduit to create relationships IRL:)
Let’s meet Rebekah Bastian …
🚀What project are you working on that you’re most excited about?
I'm working on building OwnTrail - the platform for women to visualize and navigate our life paths. It's a space where we can see people who look like us in the places we aspire to, own our authentic journeys (not just the highlight reels) and make progress on our own terms.
👀What makes you feel visible?
Along those lines, sharing my trail makes me feel visible! It's the most authentic version of me in digital form.
🌈If you could connect with one woman, who would that be and what would you say?
Well since she's one of your Visible Women, I'll shamelessly say that I'd love to connect with @brit 😂 I want to tell her about OwnTrail, hear more about her vision for BFF, and see if there are ways we can collaborate!
🌱What piece of advice would you give to your younger self?
I wouldn't give any advice to my younger self! All of my mistakes and failures have led to where I am today, and I wouldn't want to risk changing that with any good advice :)
❤️ Connect with Rebekah:
OwnTrail socials: