🔨What project are you working on that you are most excited about?
I am so passionate about the work I'm doing with Lioness to help awaken women leaders to the true power we have as women. It's personal work I've done on myself through Stephanie’s guidance that has changed my world. From trusting myself more, to getting really clear on what I desire, the mastermind stirred something within me and activated me in some profound ways. I'd highly suggest her 6 week mastermind to any women looking to attract more of what she seeks and understand herself. https://www.lioness.com/the-den
👀What makes you feel visible?
Being surrounded by incredible women who operate from a place of abundance. Having spaces where really open and authentic containers are created.
🌈If you could connect with one woman, who would that be?
I really love Quigley Goode. Just a huge fan of her vibe and humor and think it would be a blast to hang out with her.
🌱What piece of advice would you give your younger self?
Don't move so fast. Let it come.
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